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Old 11-06-2018, 02:46 AM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Many writers have gone so far as to claim that Fear, in some form or degree was at the bottom of all physical complaints or diseases, directly or indirectly, and making allowance for over‑claim, it looks as if there was much truth in the statement.

In view of the preceding, it would appear that any method of relieving or driving away Fear, would have a great effect in the curing of disease. And such is the case. Nearly all forms of Psychic Healing create a new mental atmosphere and condition in the patient. Fear is replaced by Confidence, Courage, Fearlessness, Hope, and the physical results follow. The axiom of Suggestive Therapeutics is “Thought takes form in Action,” and “As a Man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

--- The Science of psychic Healing by Yogi Ramacharaka - 1906


Sir George Paget says: “In many cases I have seen reasons for believing that cancer has its origin in prolonged anxiety.”

Murchison says: “I have been surprised how often patients with primary cancer of the liver have traced the cause of this illness to protracted grief or anxiety. The cases have been far too numerous to be accounted for as mere coincidences.”

Numerous medical authorities report that cases of cancer especially of uterine cancer or cancer of the breast have their origin in mental anxiety.
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