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Old 24-09-2011, 03:51 AM
rajakrsna rajakrsna is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 141
Originally Posted by psychoslice
I just toy with all that, yes it can be fun to play with but never take it serious.


I am older than the first vapors of heaven,
Or the first baby star that was born
Out of the womb of the blue heavens.
I was born before life opened its eyes
On earth’s cradle.
I was born and my mind worked
Beneath my skyey skull.
My thoughts spread in the veins
Of the all-pervading cosmic rays
And tingled in the space cells of my finite body.

I breathed the breath of life into everything.
I am the oldest in existence,
For it is my One Self,
My one memory, which has been thinking
Through all human brains
Of all incarnations in all eternity.

Yes, it was I who sang
Through the birds of centuries,
And I who played the flutes of atoms.
It was I who made the ornaments of diamond planets,
Ruby starlets, and blue sapphires
To decorate my skyey body.
Yes, I slept many time in many lives
In caves of diamonds,
In the bower of rose petals,
In the breasts of bluebirds, and in the countless babies.

But, as I awoke in the omnipresent minds of supermen,
I remembered that I was the Same One, the Oldest,
The One who had been thinking, working,
Laughing, coming and going, walking and sleeping,
In the bowers of countless brains.
All souls who have known this
Know that they too are as old as I.
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