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Old 27-10-2016, 02:18 PM
Sarian Sarian is offline
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I've felt that way before and I daresay am in the midst of feeling that way of late. I recall being 3 or 4 and feeling so old, old as in very wise but also a profound feeling of being so tired and thinking to myself that I'm too tired to do this again. Sadly, I've felt that way on and off my entire life. I've often thought to myself, that I don't know what's true or not but if when I died, I simply died and ceased to exist altogether, that would be perfectly fine with me...if there was just nothingness...I no longer thought, or existed in any manner or form. I'm not afraid of that idea because I simply would not know anyway and too many times I felt just felt exhausted from it all. Plus reading so many stories and so much contradicts itself and each other, so how can anyone truly know anything.
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