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Old 12-03-2013, 05:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by John32241
In my view, the affirmation that works best for this or any aspect of well being is a personal statement that declares a high degree of gratitude. In my case I use the following verbal as I look in the mirror each day. I say 3 times, "Good Morning Divine, Beloved, Powerful Master".

The actual key words are the first two "Good Morning". For the LOA states that we attract more of what we focus on. When the focus is on "what we want" we get more in the way of wanting or lack. Being truly happy and joy filled with what currently is present in a person's life, also attracts more things to be happy and joyful about.

Now the real trick to using affirmations of any kind is to live each day in a way that supports your declaration. The most perfect collection of words and energies does no good if we put into action something other than these declared energies. We do need to live our daily physical reality in a way that reflects our affirmation.

I hope that my thoughts on this will be helpful.


I believe the two go hand-in-hand. Sometimes we need to start saying an an affirmation, even if we don't feel it yet, because what it is doing is planting a seed in our subconscious mind. Once we do that, and water the seed regularly by saying the words daily, our actions will become more and more geared toward our new subconscious belief, which is whatever you've been affirming.

The trick is to pick wording you like though. Something that resonates deep-down and feels good to say. Yeah, even if it makes you feel like a bit of a schmuck, in a giggle-inducing sort of way because it's not at all physically true yet.... as long as it feels good, and there's that little inner tingle of joy inside when you say it, it's okay to use. That's a good seed to plant. You wouldn't want to choose wording that is falls flat to your ears, doesn't resonate personally, or seems so unbelievable/unattainable to you that it's just a downer.
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