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Old 14-06-2017, 07:10 PM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
you're a funny one MARDAV70
you're saying: the truth is "X", but i gotta do "non-X" (sometimes) because....
i don't see any valid reason possible for justifying "non-X".
as an exercise in logic, it's simply illogical.

perhaps i'm impractical, but i do not believe that life is dependent on death.
we'd need to set up specific parameters and limitations on how life could
express itself in order to require that death is a nurturing influence
[as i'm understanding things], but i suspect that even then those rules
could (and would) be circumvented [since it simply ain't True].

contrary examples to your "must kill" hypothesis:
1- fruits and vegetables; as you've suggested.
2- "food replicators"; as in Star Trek
3- mana from heaven; biblical

Perhaps you don't see any validity to it because you're looking at it as the physical world and the after life as one reality? If so, then yes, you're right. But I'm talking two different dimensions here. One is reality, one isn't. If you choose this life as the reality and none other exists...then again, yes, you're logic is correct and my statements are illogical.

But that place where consciousness goes after we die...what dimension is that? Is it subject to the same laws? Only because of a NDE do I now accept that dimension as the reality of existence. So, what happens in this is of no consequence because it isn't the reality of existence. It's like a dream or play. Is logic always present in dreams and plays? Of course, you must realize that this other dimension is just MY summation and I have no proof...that my statement violates logic in THIS world is indeed valid.

Lol...uh oh, and you offer me manna from heaven and Star Trek food replicators as options for nutrition? Did/do those things exist? When's the last time you got food from corner food replicator? When's the last time manna (or any other nourishment) fell from heaven for you to enjoy? Isn't it illogical to call them food sources when they didn't/don't exist?

I wholeheartedly accept your response as this dimension. I don't accept it in view of "that other" dimension that I'm talking about.

So, it's rather pointless to argue logic from my point of view. Logic applies only to this physical place. Again, that's not to be carved in stone because I have no tangible's simply from what I've personally experienced.
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