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Old 05-01-2013, 08:42 PM
Perseid Perseid is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 209
OK, I'll play.

* It's a futile exercise to subdivide soul connections into twin flames, twin souls, karmic connections etc. Whatever you're on is challenging enough.

* Mental constructs can not capture what the soul connection experience is about, the connection is not about the mind, it is about energy. Thus, all the classifying, explaining and sheer word count on the subject will essentially fail you in the end. The way through this is to surrender to the energetic level.

* The romantic, physical universe level part of the relationship is the tip of the iceberg. The soul connection is often about much more than you and your connection, it has far reaching implications that can affect everyone around you. This is an archetypal relationship and therefore your previous archetypal relationships (Mother, Father, siblings and other major influences) will have great bearing on the soul connection.

* Unfortunately when two people in a connection part ways because one or both parties are not ready for a relationship, it gives way to pain that is also essentially archetypal. The source of this pain isn't the soul connection, although the connection is triggering the pain at its source. The source of the pain is unconscious. In a real soul connection this pain does not go away on its own, because the triggering comes from the connection on an energetic level.

* Before we get to a stage where we can heal this pain, we have to surrender to the soul connection as an energetic level experience, which means abandoning the need to understand it through mental constructs. If talking or thinking about the experience worked, most of us would have resolved this a long time ago. One should have gotten a lot of clues about how to achieve this, the synchronicities and weird events should make it quite clear that part of this is on a fate or destiny level, the same level as the energetic experience. In many ways this is about the mysteries of faith, you have opened up to a level of perception that the mental body doesnt reach up to. Thus the need for surrender.

* Once a person accepts the connection for the energetic, trans-ego experience that it is, one can usually heal the major pain and trauma from it very, very quickly by way of a good healer. I can not stress how dramatic this change is, those of you who like awake at night and feel like your are being pulled out through your chakras on a daily basis, who feel like the bereavement-level grief of it will never end, will be surprised to find out how quickly one can STOP this. No, this doesn't mean you won't be sad or miss your connection, but it does mean the worst it will go away quickly. If I learned ONE thing about ALL of this, it's that you can heal the pain.

* Clearing up buried emotional wounds and trauma, the stuff that is causing such agony through the connection, not only stops the pain, but it opens an entirely new world up. Once you surrender the mental constructs of it and heal, you know the connection is there, in fact you might find yourself hitting your head and going duh, why I didn't see that before.

I hope to learn a lot more in 2013 :)
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