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Old 09-03-2014, 11:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by anonymous_1
How does one hypnotize a person? Has it anything to do with being in contact with the unconsciousness of the people around the person ?


Hi anonymous!

There is more than one way to skin a rabbit......... :)

There a many pseudo-hypnotists out there who use a standard array of scripts and techniques that work to varying extents on 9/10 people or so.

This is not how to really hypnotise IMO, but it is a good place to start and should be learned.

The number one way to hypnotise a person is to understand their beliefs and to use them as a means to gently lead a person into, "trance".

If they are religious, then talking about God and the peace she(lol) brings to a person when there is belief will help a person relax.

If they love playing golf, you can speak about the freedom and calm that can be felt on the course.

I had a friend who loved Tai Chi....I explained that when I was in china, a highly ranked instructor once told me than in order to relax your body fully Your mind must also be fully relaxed and the more peaceful you become the more freely and effortlessly your body can move.

He was so calm in one sentence that I was amazed.

So in short....learn all the scientific techniques......I would start with the Milton model.....then move on to tone of voice and body language....

Most of all though....learn something of importance to the subject and you will be more effective than 90+% of the people out there.

Side note: Other people present make a huge difference...but the way to overcome this is to become effective on one person at a time....then you will be effortlessly able to add in the rest of them, surroundings, unexpected events etc.

Hope this helps.

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