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Old 10-05-2018, 12:05 AM
Tealight Tealight is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: East Coast, USA
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Creature that feeds off of negative energy? (Boggart?)

Hello all! I haven't been on this website in years... I've developed a lot spiritually since. I can now sense energy quite well and communicate with other energetic beings, either in close proximity or at long distances if I know what to focus on. Anyway, that's just the background of me. Here's the background for this story:

Back in 2017 I was at the dentists office getting some work done on my teeth. This was during the time that I was having fun "looking" into other dimensions at what kinds of energy or beings are affecting the physical realm. I've never been afraid to go to the dentist, I've been going to the same one since I was a small child, and they're always very gentle. So while they were working on me I was actually bored, and decided to peek into hidden dimensions to sense/see what might be around me. It perhaps wasn't the best idea to do that while there were sharp things in my mouth, but I didn't know that at the time, being new to exploring the energy realms.

I ended up sensing a very large presence, which was tucked into a corner in the ceiling, and was watching me intently. I focused more on it so I could get an idea of its features, and it had a very wide face, almost as wide as its bulky shapeless body, and a wide prominent nose, and was a brown color. I sent an energetic thought towards it, asking why it was here, it responded that it lived there. After a couple thought exchanges, I gathered that it was a creature that feeds off of energy, in particular negative energy, especially fear. Which was why it had claimed a dentist's office as its property, or feeding ground, because it was full of fear from various individuals on a daily basis. I also gathered that it was territorial, the creature made it clear that it had chased away all the competition so that it could have all the energy meals to itself. (I didn't know what this creature was, the word that came to my mind was a boggart, so I googled them after I got home, after sifting through all the Harry potter references i discovered they do in fact feed off of negative energy, but usually reside in forests).

After gathering this information, the creature communicated that I wasn't exempt from its feeding, to which I shielded myself as I told it that I did not give any permission for it to steal any of my energy, and moreover that I was not afraid. This is where things get interesting, because apparently the creature decided to prove me wrong by getting around my energetic defenses and going right for the physical.

That day, for the first time, the dentist's tool slipped as he was trying to drill the tooth, and instead it drilled a hole in the skin under my tongue. I didn't feel anything at the time because I was numbed, and I didn't think much about the event, until the second unfortunate event 6 months later at the same dentists office. As the lady was putting some pasty "new" varnish on my teeth, she slipped and some of the varnish dripped in my hair. She had no idea how to get it out and long story short, I had to cut my hair really short. So needless to say, this time around, I was pretty nervous to go back, afraid of what unfortunate event would befall me next. And it was then that I remembered my encounter with the boggart.

The reason I'm sharing this story is two reasons: one, that if anyone else knows anything about creatures like these or has encountered them (especially boggarts), please let me know!
Two, so that people that haven't encountered such creatures will know what they're like. And of anyone has any suggestions on how to avoid that creatures wrath when I go in there again, please share!
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