Thread: Sidhe
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Old 25-05-2011, 03:36 PM
Tea Break
Posts: n/a

If anyone is interested in a bit of really good fiction reading, I can very much recommend Jules Watson for "sidhe" type stories.

Her "Swan Maiden" is heart-touching, as she describes the experiences of her heroine encountering the Spirit world. Likewise her "Raven Queen" all the better for being fairly grim as her characters are introduced at the beginning.

Then there's Juliet Marillier's "Daughter of the Forest" the first of an ongoing series set in ancient Ireland and Britain. "Daughter" particularly is "Sidhe"-rich, but they get a look-in during her following novels of the next generations of the magical Sevenwaters family, too.

Such fiction novels are invaluable for helping us to understand about such spiritual eings. Learning while relaxing - what could be better?

If you'd rather not buy them - request them at your local Library, and share the magic with some other lucky people, too.

Angel Blessings to All
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