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Old 12-01-2018, 09:20 PM
pluralone pluralone is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 222
Excellent discussion! My first thoughts were much like those already expressed here, that the issue may be more about you than about those by whom you feel depleted.

If it was me, first and foremost I'd back off to catch my breath and regroup.

To regroup, I'd spend as much time alone as I needed, doing grounding and centering meditations as well as allowing time for just sitting and being open to the answer of the question, "What do I need to know at this time that will be most beneficial?" I've found that asking a more general question like this can bring much deeper answers to my immediate issues than if I ask something more specific.

I would also meditate on the concept of self protection so as to find a way to keep my own energy rather than sharing it with (or having it drained by) others. When I first did this - because I was experiencing intrusive energies - I simply constructed an 'energy shield' around myself. The 'shield' has changed considerably over time, but at the beginning what I most needed was a simple energetic block to incoming energies, but it also served to prevent the loss of my own energy. Nothing came in or went out unless I allowed it. Construction of such a shield is really easy to do; I think the hardest part (which also isn't difficult) is finding the construction strategy that works best for you personally.

One last thought: While I do think it's probable that the issue is within yourself rather than an external circumstance, I would strongly recommend that if you think so too, please don't give in to feeling guilty or 'at fault'. For that matter, if you find that the issue is a matter of the type of person you attract or something like that, I think this too doesn't merit guilty feelings. It is what it is, whatever it is. It seems this is just where you are on your path. Obstacles arise, and many of us just figure out the best strategy for moving forward whether it means removing the obstacle, climbing over it or going around or under it. It's the experience itself and learning from it that matters the most... or, that's how I see it anyway.

Please keep us posted as you work through this. Wishing you the best.
From time to time, I do consider that I might be mad. Like any self-respecting lunatic, however, I am always quick to dismiss any doubts about my sanity.
- Odd Thomas
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