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Old 22-03-2018, 04:31 AM
happy soul happy soul is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 418
animal mind and non-meditation

The instructions for non-meditation are: no effort, no technique.

To elaborate on that, this is a tweet I've made several times:

'Meditate like an animal. Don't TRY. Just BE. Just sit there, innocently and naturally.'

You might think that that wouldn't even be 'meditation'. Hence the term, 'NON-meditation'.

The 'meditative mind' could also be called 'animal mind', because the quality of the meditative mind is very similar to the mind of an animal.

A few characteristics of an animal's mind are:

- non-resistance

- effortless and natural

- allowing of connection to Source and divine nature

- lets thoughts and feelings come and go on their own, innocently and naturally

- simple being, free, at peace

- naturally free of conflict and mental manipulation

The practice of non-meditation is one way to develop animal mind.
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