Thread: around my head
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Old 04-10-2015, 06:30 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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I tried a small intuitive drawing for you, there was a lot of emphasis initially on the grey bit which felt like a void. Maybe you have a physical problem in that area too.

Interesting that I did see a large black bit at the top too. The green is the outline of your aura,which as you can see is broken in places, so maybe there are some rips or tears there. I got a lot of red grounding energy for you at the bottom there, so you'd be maybe a well physically tuned in individual (not like me then ), a lot of blue, and some red and orange. The pink is the heart chakra(but I was unsure here, because I might have just been seeing my own since it's my strongest area), the light-yellow lines you can see by the grey void to me represented your kundalini stream. It's average width and only risen to the solar plexus chakra, which is usual for most humans.

As anything, take it as a pinch of salt, *for entertainment purposes only*, and refer to your own intuition.

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