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Old 17-02-2018, 07:30 PM
Jack Mitchell Jack Mitchell is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 20
I have a strong reason to believe that it is a curse but I do know from where it came but still I'm helpless.
It all started with my brother. 13 years ago he visited some random websites asking for healing. And someone replied to him that he can help but he needs money, but my brother told him that he's unable to pay as he don't have any money. And his reply was this
"If you're not Willing to pay money,then your life will be a complete failure. You'll face financial crisis, your friends will leave you you'll never be successful. nothing good ever comes to you and your family will share the same fate of yours"

This was his reply. My brother didn't believed it and nothing much happened and he forgot about it. But slowly what was said in that message began to happen in his life. And now it's starting to affect me too. I'm helpless and I don't know a way to overcome this.if this continues then there's no use in me living this life as the curse would never let me live.
I need help!!!!
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