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Old 22-02-2011, 04:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lovely
What is your image of the other side like?
I ask because I am curious.
Also do you think we have physical bodies on the other side?
I heard from one medium we do not, I heard from another one we
Personally I believe and hope we do. But they can't get ill
or damaged.

Anyways when it comes to the other side I feel most
content with the way it was described in "Life on The Other Side"
by Sylvia Browne. If you never read that book than I'll
summarize the description of The Other Side a bit for you :)
It says on the other side we live physical houses (or castles,
mansions, apartments etc. what ever you prefer.) We can
physically build houses or make them by projected thought.
We also have physical bodies and can change the looks of it
as often as we please. Every planet has their own "other side"
that is a copy of the physical one. So for Earth our other side
looks like the physical one, except its more beautiful. Imagine
if every piece of nature and building was never damaged and at it's
most beautiful self, that's what it said it was like on the other side.
And I believe we don't have pets on the other side but we still have
animal friends that may even choose to live with us if they
We can go any where we want if we want just by thinking about it.
So we could be in America one second and then choose to
go to France and be there the next just my projected thought.

That's how I believe The other side is like.
I would like to here you ideal of it though :)

I also ask that we try not argue over who is right
or wrong about the description over what The Other Side
is like. There is no wrong answers since I'm asking your
beliefs, not the facts :)

I was taken in spirit to what I believe was Heaven... It was beautiful... The Light was so bright it was like 50 million lights shining at one time but, it didn't hurt your eyes nor was it hot.. or anything.. just amazing... And there was one I believe to be God who sat on a throne (huge throne) and I went over to him and sat on his lap.. No particular message just a feeling of comfort.

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!
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