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Old 22-08-2012, 12:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Can I suggest if people are buying bottled to drink water out of that they buy a proper re-useable bottle.

This would be made of hard plastic and has a wide neck to aid washing. As much as I am all for people drinking a lot of water we don't want to increase the amount of bottles we put in land-fill sites. Water bottles from shops have small necks so they cannot be washed and will eventually go green inside. A washable one can be used indefinitely.

This is a site that I got both of mine from. I use my 1ltr one every day for work with a glass that I can drink out of. My smaller one goes everywhere with me if I am going out

I find that I have taught myself to drink more water. I used to come home from school utterly dehydrated and feeling awful, now I get nervous if I don't have water with me because I want to drink it all the time.

If you can't cope with water add a little lemon juice to taste. Lemon juice has lots of health giving properties, doesn't contain sugar and tastes nice too ;)
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