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Old 16-11-2010, 06:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Moon Willow
Hi SixOfClubs,
I'm not very knowledgable in the ins and outs of the law-of-attraction but do believe that we manifest what we give the most energy too. I think about it like this... if you have a plant that feeds on fear/negative thoughts and a plant that feeds on love/positive thoughts, and your always worrying. Which one is going to be fed more and grow more?

So, what I do if I ever have any negative thoughts (that don't serve me at all, or any longer) then I will either write them down, write down what I do want (so it leaves me with something positive to think about if my mind wanders) and burn what I don't want. And I send love to transmute all the negative thoughts.

The other thing I do is to have an imaginary STOP button, mine is big and red, and I press this whenever negative thoughts (again, ones that no longer serve me, or at all) and then send love to these thoughts to transmute them. It might take a little practice but it does get easier.

Sorry, this doesn't answer your question directly, but thought it might be something you can try until someone more knowledgable comes forward.

Love, light and blessings,
Moon Willow

Thanks Moon Willow, that is quite helpful. I'll try this technique next time I have intrusive thoughts.
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