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Old 13-03-2011, 07:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Sangress
Apparently there have been tests conducted that show that plants experience awareness in very basic and powerful forms (knowing when danger is near, reacting to damage, thriving when they know there is less or no threat of danger.)

From what I remembered this test was conducted with sensory equipment while a person who had previously harmed the plant some time before actually entered the same room it was in. Interestingly the sensory device went berserk when the threatening individual was in the room...and when the plant was confronted with another person who had stroked its leaves and greeted it previously, it responded in a completely different way.

Personally, I don't put much stock to those kinds of studies...though with my own "conversations" with plants I've gone by personal experience to say, yeh, they have intelligence of a different variety to animals or a rock...but that doesn't make it any less important (to me.)

I honestly see no difference really since its all living and aware.

I believe everything should be given the same amount of respect and reverence regardless of whether it be plant, animal or mineral...etc.

And since I'm all in with equality and nature, I respect a predators natural place in the world and the prey as well, and just let it be.

Essentially what I'm saying is that I don't give certain animals...etc special privileges or consider them to be superior to any other, so I'll eat what is available and keep up the natural cycle as it has been for a very long time regardless of any moralistic debates...etc.

My opinion is probably a little bit biased or something, considering I eat everything. :P

This is always the example I use, and these are more or less my thoughts on the matter.
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