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Old 06-08-2017, 09:23 PM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
I was in my mid 20s, and I had been raised in a very religious fathers best friend also had a big family, lots of kids who we were close to, and he was a guess where we went to church? Lol. My relationship with my parents deteriorated in my 20s and I had very little to do with them. I had two NDE in my childhood, which I had forgotten bout, The time away from my parents, helped erase any conditioning I had from my childhood about religion. I know that I was in a place, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in my life, where it was just me, my thoughts, and feelings. That's pretty much what I saw in my NDE, I was in a grey in hindsight would represent where I was clear path, no black or right religious or clear cut direction. I know a lot of people like me see this when they pass over, who don't have a firm foundation in belief or religion. I don't think it was to punish me, it was simply me living my own life, finding my own answers, being young...and in a state of confusion. What I did see....was a deceased loved one waiting there for me. I know he was there because he's apart of my family, and I wanted him there, and he wa red to be there in case I needed any help navigating back into this place that I had forgotten about many deaths and lives before. My life here was so conditioned, brainwashed, and concrete in what my family had taught me...against what I knew as a spiritual toddler, where I often had dreams of past lives, and past soul connections. Those old memories from my toddler years were brought forward, past my conditioning...back to a time I had forgotten. And al, of a sudden, I was shown instinctively, that I knew more of truth as a baby, than I had as an adult. I was more spiritually aware as an infant in those first five years, than I ever was as a teen or adult. It all ca,e together, energy was what was being pressed upon me...I knew everything was possible, sleep ding in what I focused on, or my beliefs....but the truth of my past, had been revealed to me subtly all these years...and I had not known to pay attention. Drea,s, random me,Oreos, feelings, connections to people, feelings....all of which I had not paired attention to or gave much real thought to.
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