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Old 18-02-2018, 03:33 PM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
My teacher's experience:

Moment of death
I'll start from the moment of death. Immediately before death, the sense organs cease to function. On TV, often show scenes, when a person dying, says: "Please turn on the light. It's dark here, "despite the fact that it's light around. So actually it happens. First you stop to hear, then see. Then, one by one, the sense of smell, taste and touch weaken.
It may surprise you, but then, while you are still alive, the elements that make up your body begin to disintegrate. After the decay, they are restored to the original state of the Fundamental Elements. The Fundamental Elements are the material foundations that form this world; they include four elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Wind.
First, the body breaks up to the Earth Element. When this happened to me, my body became sluggish, flabby - some strange feeling. These feelings are experienced not by what you were before. They are experienced by another "I" - the soul that senses all of this. During this process, you can observe a mixture of black and yellow.
Then the blood or body fluids break up into the Water Element. At this time you begin to leak from the nose, your body swells. Then the blood circulation stops. And there are visions - flashes of light, in color resembling a "white moon, reflected on the surface of the water."
Then the heat of the body "decays" to the Element of Fire. The cold that appears in the lower abdomen, through the spine, begins to spread throughout the body. The body becomes colder, its movements become clunky. It hardens. It seems as if it becomes iron. When this process occurs, a bright red color is visible.
In the end, breathing "breaks up" to the Element of the Wind. When this happens, it becomes difficult to breathe. "I want to breathe. I want to breathe and live, "- suddenly there is a feeling of extremely strong attachment to life. "I do not want to part with my loved ones. I am afraid of death! "At this moment, there is no longer any physical pain or suffering, but it is impossible to avoid this terrible fear of death. I received this experience, and I did not like all this, but the process of dying continued regardless of my will. At that time, the soul saw a bluish-green color. Then, when the breathing became a bit more frequent, I made a long exhalation ... This was all over. That's how I died.

The End of Karma of a Past Life
But even after death, the soul remains in the heart for a short time. During this time, the "liquidation" of life takes place. For this, first pure white light descends from Heaven. This light has something like a sweet taste. Sweetish taste of light can not be felt during life, but now the soul feels it. This light symbolizes the seed of the father. Then, from the navel area, the dark red energy rises. It carries with it a variety of worldly desires and symbolizes the mother's menstrual blood.
Both white light and dark red energy are absorbed into the Anahata-chakra, located in the chest. I believe that this is a process during which karma, related to genes inherited from parents, breaks up into the Fundamental Elements. If the moment of birth in this world we consider the moment of connection of the spermatozoon with the egg, then the real death is, apparently, the moment when the return of what has been inherited is completed, by its decomposition into the Fundamental Elements.
And there was one more - karma, which a person already possessed at the moment of birth. This is karma, which was created in his past lives and according to which a person lived in this life. At the time of death, this karma must also be returned to the state of the Fundamental Elements. This is the last procedure. From the World of Heaven descends from the absolutely black light. Blackness symbolizes the polluted karma of this low world - the World of Men. It, too, is absorbed into the Anahata chakra.
Thus, when karma, which was inherited from the parents, and the karma of past lives break up into the Fundamental Elements, the connection with this world is torn. The soul separates from the body and begins preparations for the next rebirth in accordance with the only karma that was accumulated in the world where it had just lived.
Death in a transparent and light posthumous world. The soul of a practitioner, and experienced, at this moment can enter Nirvana. "Experience" here means that such a person, before he died, has achieved almost complete perfection in his practice.
If the practitioner has attained complete, perfect Liberation, then in this case a completely different process takes place. Allow me to explain it briefly.
Reached the emancipation of a practitioner
The soul flies becomes able to control its death at will. First of all, he can choose the time of his death.
In other words, after fulfilling the task before him in this life, he can freely throw his body away. At this time, he does not need to go through the process of death, which I just described. His karma at the expense of practice was destroyed, and his soul can easily fly away from the body. It is enough for him to simply transfer consciousness from the state of possession of a physical body to a state of death. This is applied in the Yoga of the Transfer of Consciousness, which I will discuss later. The soul of the Reached Liberation can fly directly into the light posthumous world. From there it is able to enter Nirvana or - if there is such a desire - to be reborn in the World of Men or any other world. This soul becomes free in the world after death.

Jump into the light!
Then what happens when you get into the posthumous world with those who are not engaged in spiritual practice? First, a blinding transparent light falls on them from above. This light is so shockingly beautiful and intense that most souls are frightened and lose the ability to move. If they could jump into this light, they could get into the so-called World Without Forms - a beautiful world that is located below Nirvana. This dimension can only enter those who, during this life, cleansed their soul and cultivated in themselves, bringing to perfection, true religiosity. This world consists only of light and is a highly spiritual world. It is believed that the degenerate body acquires the body of light and that life there lasts several hundred billion years. In Buddhism, it is called the World of Dharma. I often visit this world, and study Buddhist spiritual theories from Sariputta, the first disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha.
This light lasts from half a day to a whole day. Then, for those souls that could not enter this light, the next light begins to shine. This light is silvery white and almost transparent. If the soul can jump into this light, it can be reborn in the World of Forms. This world consists of superfine substances, the food in it is light, and the clothes there are also woven from the light. Of course, for ordinary souls, this light is also too bright to enter into it. In this world can only enter the souls of people who have accumulated very high religious merit.
Gradually this silvery white light disappears and a beautiful red-violet light begins to shine. Although this color is red-violet, but compared to the red-violet energy emanating from the Muladara-chakra and expressing sexual power, it is of a different kind and very beautiful. People who are able to enter this world have a great love for all living beings. This world, in which the Phenomenal bodies live, refers to a dimension that is high even among the celestial worlds. The center of this world is Heaven Tu****a, known as the place where Maitreya lives. In fact, from these Heavens the Buddha Sakyamuni descended into the World of Men; His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the head of Tibetan Buddhism, also came from there. In truth, from there I came. By the way, the reborn here can become a heavenly dragon or goddess, which inspires practitioners.
When I practiced in the Himalayas before reaching Liberation, at times when I was on the verge of collapse, I was always encouraged by the Goddess Parvati. She lived in the Heavens of Tu****a and descended to me, a practitioner in this World of People, on a red-violet ray. She was very kind.

The rebirth is determined by the karma of the past life
Apparently, ordinary people will not be able to enter the Heaven of Tu****a. Therefore, they will wait for the next light to appear. Gradually, the light turns into concrete visions, and every soul flies into the world that suits it most. The last world appears on the forty-ninth day after death. Having flown into any world, the creature falls into it, as if something sucks, draws it. In most cases, a vision of sexual intercourse arises before the soul, it unconsciously flies into this vision and finds itself in the uterus or in the egg. Thus, at the latest forty-nine days after death, the soul gains life in a new world.
Here I want you to pay attention to the following: proceeding only from the fact that someone before the death was a man, you can not say that his next rebirth will again be in the World of Men. The worlds are gradually deteriorating, starting from the first day. The World of People is very low, so it appears somewhere on the forty-third day. Approximately on the forty-fifth day the World of Animals appears, and on the last, forty-ninth day, Hell appears. We often say that the soul "falls into Hell." In fact, the soul does not fall into Hell in the literal sense of the word. She is reborn in Hell.
With the help of Bardo yoga, I have experienced the experience of reincarnation in all worlds. And since this experience is extensive, I can not bring it completely. Here I tried to set out only what you will not find in other sources. Therefore, what I can find in other books, I omit. For those who are interested, I can recommend the "Tibetan Book of the Dead". Nothing more comes to mind ... After all, what is written about the world after death is almost a complete lie. Too many religions preach like this: "In order to become happy after death, it's enough just to believe." In fact, everything is not so simple. And to believe in this - this is karma, what else do you say.
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