Thread: Karma.
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Old 24-05-2020, 10:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy
Interesting you put it that way because I've basically combined both techniques into one practice. In effect it's circular.

Work as Witness is, for all intents and purpose, resting in awareness, much like do-nothing meditation. The doer of work is simply another form in that field of awareness. And since that's the Atman and Atman is Brahman, Work for God is approaching everything as God, for God and in service of God so that completes the circle, so to speak.

Another way to think of it is the One manifests into the many and experiences itself through the many. So the above approach honors that purpose.

The Work as Witness aspect also dovetails nicely with and reinforces my do-nothing meditation practice, much like informal mindfulness practices throughout the day reinforces a formal mindfulness meditation practice.
"When we lose our minds, we come to our senses."
Alan Watts

If it's circular then doesn't that fit in with a frame of reference so where do you fit into that frame of reference? Is there a central point - you yourself - and everything else moves around you? Or are you looking at a frame of reference where you have a third-party perspective, you are outside of the circle?

Or does it all come back to you?

Or perhaps if you were not mindful but conscious of what you are conscious of?
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