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Old 26-02-2018, 01:21 PM
Rashid Rashid is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by Spirit bird
I can relate to what you are saying. I have a few different things that occur as well. First off I have a constant frequency that runs right through my head (not in the ears), it is constant and sometimes louder than other times. Sometimes it is so soft that I wonder if it's still there but it is if I listen for it.

Other times I will get the ringing...that is in my ears. I have learned enough to make the associations that if the ringing tone is in my left ear it is considered a warning from my guides or they will actually cause a "thumping" on my left ear drum. This usually means..think about the choice you are about to make, or it may be don't say the words you are about to speak to a certain person. Just to rethink whatever situation I am currently in. That warning is always within the left ear. If I hear the ringing or tone within my right ear it simply is a way that my angels or guides are letting me know they are with me or near. Just a reminder that I'm not alone.
I can definitely understand that. We are on the same page with the ringing definitely. It's that interesting whistle sound that would also be in either the left or right ear... if the sound had a figure it sounds like a single sound on a specific note
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