Thread: A Thought
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Old 15-11-2019, 04:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by lemex
Is it the universe is learning, expanded learning. How is the idea of one moving nearer or further interpreted, is it as being permanent from some former existing, ie forever unable to move nearer or further after if one is the soul. Much of the former life is determined by chance and randomness in what we are and do here being simply a point in expansion. The soul does not move in a permanent state which would not be far after one 1 life of 70 years. As people can change can not the soul itself change later? It would not be fair if other things expanded and one would be excluded and not allowed to be part or participate in that. No such thing as a wasted life but about learning. Not having learned does not exist imo. All of this happens with only 1 time, 1 chance, 1 opportunity. Now that would not itself be right simply to be a matter of luck! Dare I say soul is learning or even God is to.

Who said life was fair?
By "waisted life " I also said we make are heaven or are hell so by wasted I don't mean empty handed I mean that your going to leave with a full basket now did you fill your basket with desirable things like food or not so desirable things like rocks and scorpions? So some will have the tools needed to handle whatever situations may arise in the next life while other will not have the tools needed do to the poor choices they made in this life and that's the consequences of life choices. And by moving forward in life I mean you as the singular contusness continuing to gather information rather that be goo or bad you are still expanding from your starting point.
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