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Old 05-03-2017, 05:11 AM
markings markings is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 619
Add as much physical activity as you can. Chant the mantra aloud, or at least mouth it. Use Mala beads to 'count'. You could add a rest period one one round is completed before you do the next one. A lot of important stuff happens in rest periods, maybe even more important than in the active period. That is why athletes have switch to interval training.
You could use some music, music with embedded Solfeggio frequencies or even white noise.
You could do walking meditation, just counting steps.
You could stare a candle flame without blinking for 10 minutes, a practice suggested by Qi Gong master Dr Zhi Gang Sha. That will definitely keep your mind from wandering. Caution: make sure that you are not too close to the flame and that you don't have eye problems. You do not want the eyes drying out.
If we do a simple tasks long enough it will become automatic while preventing the mind from slipping into random activity.
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