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Old 25-07-2020, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by lejonjus
Has anyone else been sensing like new ideas and approaches are asking to be brought in? Maybe that's an idea for a different thread. I've been sensing this with psychology. Where we are ready to move from the protection stance which served its purpose with awareness and start shifting towards healing it in society. I will explain why I think this way.

Knowing the traits and variations are more common than we think and how I too have needed to work in certain areas is having me want to approach it differently in my life. I will link a site that lists some of the traits. 1) control and 5) managing conflict I see as common. Being human we are bound to experience traits like this at some point and all have the capacity to heal.

The theme for these eclipses for me have been around certain family dynamics. I have a family member who is manipulative and doesn't respect boundaries. Thankfully they don't live with me so I get a break from it. I was patient about reinforcing the boundaries and gave many opportunities. I decided to tell them I've been working on improving patterns in myself. Stating how I've been working on improving it and giving them the chance to do the same. Knowing the traits are more common than we think and how I too have needed to work in certain areas I decided to approach it that way. Bring it to their awareness as something our family could work on together. A month later the same issues came up right on time with this Full Moon. I lost my patience lol I really want to move on from having to assert the same boundaries. Hopefully me losing my patience has helped it set in this time.
I am familiar with that WWW site and have watched a ton of their you-tube videos. I have been struggling for years to understand the behavior patterns (sometimes rather bizarre and disturbing) of certain individuals. Why they do what they do? What motivates them to act like that? Do the realize they are doing it? Since coming across this narcissism info, so much of it finally fits together. I thought I understood what the word entailed until recently. I hate to say it, but it is something of a Rosetta stone in understanding certain types of people. Once you learn what to look for, it becomes disturbing how common this behavior pattern is, and most if honest, will see some signs of it in themselves.

We humans have evolved to depend on our tribes and societies for survival probably as much or more so then any other mammal. It makes sense that our struggle of the fittest would have moved from physical traits to social ones as we struggle for advantage within those societies we depend upon. Narcissism, though it may make everyone miserable, including the narcissist, does often give them an advantage when it comes to getting ahead. Heck they may even ride it to the highest positions of society.

An alternative approach to manipulation and exploitation as a way of life might be cooperation. You know, love they neighbor, the golden rule, and that sort of thing. A difficult thing to do when there is still so much narcissism prevalent in societies. That said, awareness of it is growing, so perhaps more recognition of the behavior will serve to draw more condemnation of it and lead to an evolution that makes narcissism less of a successful trait. Instead, hopefully, that new approach may be brought it.

Now as to your family relationships, all I can say is I wish you well. Based on my experiences with narcissists, which I now realize is ... well much more than I would have liked, and all of the research I have done since discovering this topic, it seems that getting a narcissist to become self aware and do the hard work necessary to change that behavior, is extremely hard and rare. For now, my focus is going to be to look inside to become aware of where it is in play in me and try to exercise those demons. Also to seek ways to insulate and isolate from narcissism in others...try to exercise those demons from my life as well.
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