Thread: The rapture
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Old 03-06-2014, 04:31 AM
Brobian Brobian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Brewster, Ohio
Posts: 224
I have never had any type of faith in the bible and that started at my earliest ages. My family were Christians and I'd attend church, however, I just knew that it wasn't what or why we are here. As I got older I tried hard to see what others had seen in this, only to please my family, but I never did. I read the bible page for page and was left with a distaste in my mouth of it and since then I see it for what it truly is.
The heart of man is greedy and manipulative. Man will readily and eagerly stretch the truth for his own personal gains. These religions have dirty hands from the torture, murder, and suffer that they have caused throughout the years. This book I read had been written by man himself and it was mans intentions behind it, not no god. It was written to force the lesser people into living their life the way that man wanted them too, in fear. I assure all that this is not the course of our life, this is but a fairytale as fictional as the boogyman and it's only purpose was to scare the weak and poor into paying the rich money.

The rein of organized religions is coming to their conclusion and the end is nigh for Jesus and his made up God. I know this to be true. The churches can't demand anymore, they aren't even taught in the schools either. The church can no longer force people with fear into believing in it's truth-less tale. I have never in this existence seen a single shred of evidence that any part of this is real, not a single bit. I have only ever been told what my fellow man tells me and then I'm expected to believe. When you get right down to it, that's just ridiculous. That would be like my neighbor coming over to me and saying he seen a unicorn, does this mean I should automatically believe??

I do however believe and support each humans moral right to believe in whatever they desire. If you wish to make this your belief, then I wish you the absolute best. This is just my opinion on the topic and I meant no disrespect into anyone.
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