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Old 13-12-2015, 11:30 PM
metal68 metal68 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 762
Do You Believe The Borgia Version..

Of the afterlife?

I guess this is the most desired outcome we all have but even if there really is an existence, are there really buildings and natural surroundings, bodies (and boobs, I hope ) and friends & family awaiting?

Sounds too good doesn't it? Maybe we just get left with our own mind to contemplate itself for the rest of time.

I sort of think that if much of the afterlife is only a mental construct then the loved ones and friends etc may simply be figments. I know Amit Goswami & Tom Campbell are very big on this.

Also imagine a miscarriage, what experience does that deceased foetus have to draw from to construct a mentally constructed afterlife?? Could be a very boring place.

Its a beautiful story and ive suckled on it for comfort in a dark year but find it REALLY hard to think its accurate or at least if we do experience it, that it is actually real. Newton's energy lifeforms sounds more plausible but so alien that it shouldn't even be considered as an afterlife
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