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Old 02-12-2015, 02:05 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
I had a similar thing happen to me when another celebrity died years ago. I actually saw his death before it happened. The funny part was, in his first movie....I couldn't stand him or his acting. The movie was good...but his role or him, whatever it was...really turned me off from the movie. I never watched his movies, and my feelings stuck with me about him, whenever a new movie he was in, came out. I wouldn't go watch it, because I just wasn't a fan of his.

Then very strangely, I was bored and broke...and had a movie given to me to watch by my sister. He was in it...and I reluctantly watched it. I became a big fan after that movie. He did a very good job, and I even found him attractive after that. Right after the movie was over...I don't know how to describe it, but I saw him dead in my head. I remember pushing the thought out instantly, thinking how ludicrous and ridiculous it was and where in the hell did it come from, anyways. Two years later, the actor died. He was very young and it was sudden.

I later read, that the movie I hated...and the reason why I didn't like his acting...was the same movie he hated, too. He hated his role in it.

I had a dream about him after that...I saw him on a bridge. He was crossing the bridge and we talked. I gave him a kiss good bye and it was over.

It has crossed my mind, why I saw his death, if I have some connection to him...possibly a past life, or some energetic connection...drawn from similar energy on the astral plane or some weird, paranormal thing.

Maybe because I am sensitive, I was able to feel such things about him. Maybe I saw something because of it. I dont know...

I did see the video of Paul Walker's death. It was tragic and heart breaking. I didn't know him before then. It upset me for a few weeks off and on when I read headlines online about his death...and how he was possibly alive when the car caught fire. I don't know why after all this time, you are still feeling these emotions....perhaps, you are having a similar thing happen to you, that I did. Perhaps for some reason, you are energetically connected on some level, somehow...and are feeling his emotions or thoughts because you are "sensitive". Im not sure...its only a theory...but nothing else makes sense, spiritually. You weren't a huge fan, you didnt watch his I am not sure why you have these feelings that otherwise, you shouldnt.
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