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Old 05-01-2019, 01:02 AM
Torchester Torchester is offline
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Need advice. We can't get rid of a stubborn spirit

My fiance is a medium and she has always dealt with spirits, both the good a bad kind. For a while now there has been this attachment that goes from her place to my place. We live long distance for now, in different countries actually. This particular spirit has a knack for picking at your soft spots and making you feel so bad that you want to kill yourself. It brings on terrible nightmares of murder and suicide, it even led my fiance to having to check into a 72 hour psychiatric watch because it pushed her right to the point where she was going to end her life. We are both very much connected to the metaphysical and spiritual world and we have done absolutely everything possible to get rid of this thing. We have tried crossing it over, calling Archangel Michael to help, we have tried summoning it to bind it, which probably only (word edit ) it off more but we have bound other things in the process of coaxing it out, we have cut the cords from someone that we knew was performing hoodoo on us out of anger and jealousy, she put to rest a friend that sadly commited suicide a couple of years ago due to a spirit attachment, we have done house cleansing, putting up sigils and protection symbols, prayed, used crystals and pendants, asked for protection from specific Gods and Goddess, prayed for Saint Benedict and yet this thing is still here and we have run out of options, there is literally no one that can help us. I was wondering if anyone has any idea's on what to do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Lynn : 10-02-2019 at 03:54 AM.
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