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Old 09-03-2018, 01:41 AM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
Moving Past the Bad Dream Phase of Ascension

I read that part of the ascension process was to wake up in the early morning hours due to the great discomfort from the nightmares. Has anyone any idea on how to quickly progress through the phase of bad dreams in this awakening/ascending process?

For a few weeks now, I have been having bad dreams (not necessarily nightmares) that have left me uncomfortable. I suppose I am having a shallow process of this going on, as I do not wake up during the dream, but have been waking up (at my usual time to wake up) with some nervousness or feeling weird in some way.

The dreams vary in topic: work, social life, family, randomness.

Part of me thinks its to expel the lower imperfections of my psyche or whatever. Does anyone know a faster way to get through this phase if it is ascension?
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