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Old 04-01-2016, 07:09 AM
Sarian Sarian is offline
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Ones that I can think of at the moment:
When my father in law died I could not go to his funeral. He died 3 days after I gave birth to my daughter. I was upstairs feeding her when I heard this horrendous bang in the wall, like pipes. It echoed and traveled up the wall. My blood froze. Terribly frightening sound like nothing I've heard before ...the loudness the echoing in the walls and how it traveled, but as it got to the top and near me, I felt peace and I said Hello ____ my father in law's name and warmth and sense of peace came over. I thought perhaps he was visiting his new granddaughter and saying hello to me. Two nights later, I dreamed of him and he told me he wanted to tell me himself that he was fine. It was rather nice.

Years later my daughter came to me and said she did not sleep well because Grandma and Grandpa +++++ came to visit her. She said she was sleeping but felt her bed sink in like someone sat, so she looked and Grandma was sitting there. She said Grandpa was standing in the door smiling. They said they just came to check on her and say hi.

My mom often saw orbs come in the house and circle around the room. She insisted these were her parents as she felt such calm and peace.

My cousin said a woman was in her room, gave a description and it was her father's (my mother's) mother none of us ever met and in her wedding dress we never saw but our parents knew straightaway.

A neighbor woman I knew and tended to a lot died and the day after I went upstairs and her smell permeated the bathroom. I often told her I wanted to bath her as she had alzheimers but I could not get her upstairs. Her smell was distinctive and offensive really and no mistaking it. I said hello to her and laughed that she could now get upstairs for her bath.

When her husband died, he did not believe in anything after death, you're just dead he would say. I challenged him that when he died, to let me know I was right. The following morning after he died, I was taking a shower and I felt a slap hard on my back. I jumped and laughed but firmly told him to get out of the shower with me...Yes, I was right, he was wrong, but the shower was not the place to tell me...but yes, amusing. Later I went into the kitchen and the lights began turning on and off. I said hello to him and they stopped. I went to do the laundry and the lightbulbs shattered. Seemed every room I walked in lights went on and off or shattered. I finally said enough already. I was getting tired of changing lightbulbs. He stopped.

When my daughter's boyfriend was killed, that very same day it was about 98 degrees out and we have no a/ daughter cried out for me to come to her room, it was a cool as a cool rain and had the smell of rain. We basked in it. I told her it was her bf. She took great peace in it. She then found a lead or something you put on your fishing pole...the evening before he died, they had been fishing. It materialized in her room. She cried out later because a youtube video just opened up on her computer and started playing a song, one she had never heard but the lyrics were just for her. I walked around the pond that day and the fish in it all began jumping. It blew my mind.

when my mom died, I was sitting with her...I watched her leave this world; I wondered who she was looking at as she was leaving...when she left, I fixed the blankets around her and a penny just fell on her chest. There had been nothing on her as I had been changing her and helping her. She heard about 'pennies being left' so I thought it was from her. I was mowing my lawn a couple days later and I saw something sliver fall to the ground and I rode the mower to it and it was a vibrant silver feather. My mom instantly came to mind. I brought it in and placed it in a frame of her picture and it was the same color of her hair.

Two days ago my younger brother was freaking out because silverware and other things were flying off counters and shelves. I said guess mom's back and keeping an eye on you. He is totally freaked out and I think it's funny because my mom would do that to keep him in line. I asked my dad if he thought mom was here he was eating and his head was down and he calmly said "yes" without even looking up. I asked 'how?" he said "I feel her".

I could go on but these are the ones off the top of my head right now.
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