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Old 05-08-2016, 11:21 PM
Andrew Cannata Andrew Cannata is offline
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Originally Posted by metal68
Accepting the premise of the afterlife then, how do those on the other side actually observe us??

is there like a portal that they have to visit or do they use some sort of technology?

I read that they have an objective reality akin to ours so how does it work??

Hi Metal! The dead can check in on us by visiting the earthbound realm, which is the spiritual realm that surrounds the earth. According to the afterlife literature, those in the Summerland can travel to the earthbound realm on foot or by thought, although the newly dead are sometimes unable to do so until they have regained their spiritual strength. Our loved ones also visit the earthbound realm in order to communicate through mediums.

Those in the afterlife are usually able to perceive our thoughts if we consciously send them out. However, it seems that they can hear us more clearly when we speak to them out loud. It is as though we trigger some sort of alert in our dead loved ones' minds when we talk to them audibly.

The majority of the newly dead reside in the Summerland, which is a physical reality--in fact, they say that it is more real and tangible than the earth world is! A great, easy-to-read introduction to death and the afterlife is The Fun of Dying, by Roberta Grimes, who is a good friend of mine and a remarkable human being. I highly recommend the book if you are interested in learning the basics about the place that the dead call home!
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