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Old 04-10-2010, 11:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Rosewater
if we come from light why the need to "evolve"

I have heard various theroies that we are God here to expierence awareness, some say we have the choice too, others say it is mandatory.. others say the counsel we encounter afterdeath guilts us into reincarnating..

honestly I have no idea.. It's recently been brought to my attention the Lords of Karma existing? I thought the soul was it's own judge guess not.. there are plenty of people that have had near death exp's where there souls are front of a council and higher self is advocating for them or they encounter beings that tell them they have to go back.. one of the most frightening was the man that dreamed of different energies fighting over what to do with his soul.. i was told there was a battle of spirit going on in the heavens dont know if either side is really good for us

personally i feel on a grand scale we are here for the expierence.. and possibly have been trapped in this process, maybe even used

That pretty much fits in with my own beliefs and answers so many things for me so thanks for the confirmation, Rosewater. I can get so much from this you wouldn't believe.

As Below, so Above. As much as we would like to think ourselves as Beings of Light and all the other Spiritual techno-babble you want to use here, I doubt very much that this is indeed the case and that account would verify that for me. The bit about death being a barrier has probably been done to death (oops lol) but if it isn't so much of a barrier then how many human traits do we take with us into the Spirit world? Is it like flipping a switch where one minute we're walking talking bags of water with all of which that entails, we die and we suddenly become Beings of Light with the associated sunshine and roses? I remember reading in some of the posts on here that we take a little time to 're-adjust' to becoming Spirit again, mediums have said that people who have passed into Spirit need a little time before coming through to Loved Ones again. If we are taking that into the Spirit world, what else are we taking with us because we choose to?

If we are here to evolve then how much have we really evolved? Let's see, we don't do power struggles any more because that's a huge part of the reason Atlantis fell. Wrong! We don't do genocide. Wrong again! We don't do..... Wrong again. Apart from technologically how much have we really progressed? If we are here to learn, are we really learning or are we stuck in the same mindset whether human or Spirit?

How many times must we go around in these circles before we realise that what we are forgetting is what makes us human? That's what we need to learn and never forget, in human form nor in Spirit.
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