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Old 26-09-2012, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by whitelight
I love love love that you started this post by citing synchronicity. Here I am, having gone through "spiritual growth" thinking I know things other people don't know... and it made me proud. Pride was my downfall for awhile. I went through this period where I just wanted to consume more and more information, but I honestly am with you that everything we need to know we know already, we know it inside us. And a reminder to humble ourselves is always most certainly due. The other day I thought about doing more reading on here, but for once I decided to meditate instead. It was so rewarding. So thanks for this

You're right on.... I also spend far too much here, too late, when I could be visiting directly with spirit-meditating in the now.

But I love learning-writing-sharing.... even if it IS primarily mental... yet spirit also drops in stuff for me to share... so it's far better than TV.
spending time in the silence is necessary feed the soul.