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Old 01-11-2018, 11:26 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Well for one it has been tampered with. And secondly it's literally in everything. Your toothpaste, mouthwash, all American made medications use corn starch as a binding agent (I have to have all my meds compounded), cleaning products, makeup, all sodas and beverages, in all processed foods and all ground coffees (yup, they are adding corn to your coffee). It's even in a can of tomatoes. They gas fruits and vegetables with a compound (that contains corn) to keep them from ripening to quickly, even the organic fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, I'm not sensitive to react to the gas but I know of people who can only eat fresh fruit and vegetables if they grow it themselves, which limits them to summertime only.

The list literally never ends. So Americans are being over-exposed to it. More corn allergies are popping up the more we are exposed to it. And since corn is not on the top list of allergies (thanks to the mega corn industry) it doesn't have to be listed on labels if it is in a chemical (made from corn, like vitamin C and citric acid) that is added to the package or can.

Ok, once again I will get off my soap box.
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