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Old 14-03-2017, 08:27 PM
friend2friend friend2friend is offline
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I've been there. And in later life have been confronted with death many times.

I've also known many people with NDE's etc and bore witness to one myself through a telepathic experience.

It takes bravery to face such a fear with a lack of faith in such things but that comes with time and of course 'love overcomes fear'. - If you love enough you will not fear anything, because love cares only for what is right...It stops becoming "what about me" and 'what is right' instead....Like the end of those movies you see where the guy is about to die in some hell-hole cave with rocks falling all around him and tells the girl 'GO! ESCAPE! It doesn't matter about me...You go and live!" ...That's the sort of attitude required...Love and bravery. When you want what is 'right' more than your own life your priority will shift from 'me' to something more important (those you love) and your fear will subside. You don't even know what death is like so why fear it?

In later life when I discovered the nature(al), (ying yang, up down, hell to know heaven, dark to know light, up to know down, death to know life, etc, things become more clearer. We are in a cycle. Winter doesn't last forever and all darkness means is that light is right around the corner and of course lights shine brighter on the darkest of nights and it takes both (ying) rain and sunshine (yang) to make a beautiful rainbow. There is nothing in darkness that wasnt already there when the lights were on. Anything 'negative' is simply there to teach us 'positive'...just teachers, so learn to use those 'bad' experiences.

How boring would a tv show be if there were no love, hate, tears, joy, lifes, deaths, new characters and everything else we experience as life on our current plain of existence. - It is such things that teach us who we are and what we are made of. Remember superman 2 when he lost his powers? - He moped around with a cold, got bullied and beat up and just felt sorry for himself, yet as superman he was saving the world. We could all be superman if we 'had the superpowers', but we don't...and the question is; how well can we do without it...a grovelling clarke kent or a superman? Can we still be superman? You have to fight to be a superman. It's the 'testing' of characters in books and so on that make them special to us..."how will he react to this terrible event", "Can he overcome"...It's all the faults and weaknesses of people that make the beautiful and make them 'them' and make us attracted to them for their spirit and bravery... If we were all born in a perfect heaven with no death we wouldnt appreciate fact we wouldnt even know we were in heaven. We need hell as comparison and life (here) is neutral to a degree (ying/yang) and a great learning school...except the weather in scotland of course where it's usually always raining and cold :)

We need death to have's a cycle, just like we need winter to have summer. Indeed it is death that has taught many how to live.

We don't know enough to be afraid and despite what 'geniuses' like hawkings says It's a friendly universe... trust me. (Love creates/hate destroys), hence love created the 'creation' and human beings can't work properly while in a fearful miserable depressed state. Our bodies were created in love by 'love' and only work properly when one is full of love and joy. - In short; we are designed to be happy.

Fear really is a bully which when faced really isn't all that scary at all and countless experiences have taught me that we never lose anyone to 'death'. They are still very much around.

You just have to kick your own *** and be brave. Test yourself everyday by doing something that makes you afraid...Face it and overcome it. Never let fear get a good grip of you, because it will paralyze you eventually. But if you fend it off day by day in various ways it will stay back.
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