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Old 12-01-2015, 12:16 AM
Havardr Novak
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Astral Explorer
Well technically speaking you're not "out of body" during astral projection because you are inside of a body, just a different one that exists in another dimension. And technically speaking it is no different in dreams as you're in another body and another dimension. In fact you actually can and do project and dream in the exact same bodies and the exact same dimensions, so how are they different? The only real difference is the process which occurs that shifts you into that other body and dimension, primarily whether or not you're in a conscious state of thought and awareness and the moment in which you enter a conscious state of thought and awareness. Other than that they are exactly the same. And as I mentioned before I have had projections where I entered a conscious state of thought and awareness after my consciousness had shifted into another body and dimension, and I have had lucid dreams where I remained in a conscious state of thought and awareness through out the entire process of my consciousness shifting into another body and dimension. Most people in most astral projections are going to remain in a conscious state of thought and awareness until moments before their consciousness shifts and then they will briefly drift off into a non-conscious state quickly returning into consciousness but in a different body and dimension. Through dreaming most of the time people are going to lose consciousness for an extended period of time and remain that way even after they are in another body and dimension and having an experience, and then at some point they will realize they are "dreaming" thus entering a conscious state of thought and awareness. From that point on for those experienced in operating bodies that exist in other dimensions and the other dimensions themselves a dream can and will mimic a projection perfectly, for those who are not experienced I can see how dreams and projections can seem different as they once did to me as well. But I can assure you that dreams and projections occur in the exact same bodies and dimensions as one another and the line that separates a dream from a projection and a projection from a dream is so blurry and easy to cross that it's quite pointless to use it to determine what an experience was or was not. When you have pushed the boundaries of what determines whether or not an experience was a dream or projection as I have it is blatantly obvious that there really is no tangible difference other than the fact typically you're in a conscious state earlier and longer during a projection than you are in a lucid dream. But as I said before it's completely possible to have a lucid dream where you remain in a conscious state of thought of awareness just as early and long as you would a projection, and you can have a projection in which you enter a conscious state of thought and awareness long after the experience has began no different than you would in a lucid dream.

It's likely in Monroe's experiences he was in higher-vibrational realms where powers of manifestations and thoughts have a much larger impact on that reality and dimension. In the parallel-Earth dimensions that impact is much less and weaker than it is in the higher-vibrational realms unfortunately. In most of the parallel-Earth dimensions powers of manifestation and thoughts and so forth are definitely more powerful than they are in our physical dimension but still they are no where near as powerful and potent as they can potentially be, if they were then beings would not be trapped in the lower-vibrational realms due to their own emotions and desires and so forth. They would be able to instantly change their minds and go wherever they want to but that is not the case, of course some of them obviously do not want to or are just so blinded to the truth and they don't know there is more than what they are living. I've experienced it many times in the parallel-Earth dimensions many of the beings who exists in them are as blinded to the reality of multi-dimensionality as most people on Earth are. To them the fact that there are many species of different types of beings from many different planets is an every day fact and is nothing special to them, but if you mention multi-dimensionality most of them are going to look at you like you're nuts no differently than in this dimension. As it is in our dimension it appears like the beings who are in power whom know the truth about these matters do the best to hide and conceal it from most others because what good would their power be if they had no one to control? Primarily I am talking about the Draconian races of beings and those whom are viewed as semi-equals and allied with them. I say semi-equals because the only races that Dracos view as equals are other types of Dracos, they believe they are perfection and the most superior race of beings that existed/exists in both the Old Universe and the New Universe. But there is a hierarchy even with in the Dracos some sub-races of them being higher up and some being lower.

The reason that the being grabbed your leg as you tried up and fly is probably due to the fact that in most areas of the parallel-Earth dimensions flying is illegal. Primarily in the populated city areas so if you live in a city area and project into a parallel-Earth dimension it's much more difficult to get away with flying, the authorities call it "going up." It's not completely clear to me why flying is illegal in these areas and I have experienced areas in parallel-Earth dimensions where flying wasn't illegal but I can tell you that in most of the populated city areas I have experienced if you go around flying in some public space you're going to get yourself into trouble. It's likely the being who grabbed you did so because he didn't want you to get in trouble, the body that you projected into likely has some relationship with the being you were talking with and so he was just protecting them from getting in trouble and you leaving them in a mess. This is what most people are completely unaware of is that many of the bodies we dream and project in have extensions of consciousness living in them no differently than our physical body does, and in dreams and projections we go into that body and briefly take it over for that experience. I've actually recently developed a technique where I remain in a body I'm dreaming/projecting in and I give control of the body back to the extension that lives in the body for the majority of the time, although I've wondered if it couldn't be another being like myself who is dreaming and projecting in that body at the same time as I am. On some occasions when doing this I've actually had another body form inside of the body I am in, it ends up being two separate bodies trapped inside of one body and the skin gets tight and I can feel it pulling and it hurts and so forth. This is another thing most projectors are completely blind to is that many of the bodies they dream and project in are actual bodies that have skin, have blood, and so forth... The skin is a lot different from skin in the physical dimension but I imagine that is primarily due to the high-density of this dimension, the density is much lower in most of the parallel-Earth dimensions which is why flying is possible.

The problem with finding your friend at work is that unless his work is extremely close to you you're likely going to end up getting lost because while parallel-Earth dimensions do often look similar that similarity tends to vanish the further we get away from our starting position and so if he lives far away from you by the time you get half way there or so it's likely you'll end up being lost and having no clue where you are. The other problem is even if your friend is working that doesn't mean that any of the bodies he dreams and projects in will be at that parallel space in another dimension, as I mentioned previously those bodies are living lives no differently than we are and they go anywhere they want at any time they want. Just because he is in a specific space in this dimension doesn't mean any of the bodies he dreams and projects in will be in a parallel space overlapping that space. Another problem is that it's highly unlikely that the bodies he dreams and projects in look anything like he does in the physical dimension, and so even if you managed to stumble onto a body that he dreams and projects in it will likely look nothing like him and will be controlled by a completely different extension of consciousness of his who likely will not recognize and/or know you. There is no way of knowing what will exist in the parallel space overlapping the space that his work exists in this dimension. It could be a house, a parking lot, a forest, a lake, or anything. And unless it's some isolated place where other beings don't often go it's going to be populated by beings who live in that specific dimension. I have never experienced and highly doubt there is a dimension where only the bodies of astral projectors exist and so finding another dreamer or projector in a dimension populated mostly by beings who live in that dimension will be like finding an extra-terrestrial while having no idea what it looks like in the middle of a populated city filled with thousands of other Humans who live and belong in that dimension. It's like finding a specific needle in a massive stack of needles and that only factors in if you're able to dream or project in the exact same location inside of the exact same dimension at the exact same time as another person... I'm not going to sit here and say it's not possible because regardless of those odds I am sure it has happened with two people who live in the same house or in the same neighborhood, but the odds of it happening are just so small that IMO it's a waste of time unless you're able to project on will whenever you want and have nothing better to do and/or nothing else to experience. And I highly doubt that is true because I've had thousands of projections spent hundreds or thousands of hours in other bodies and dimensions and there is still so much for me to do and experience.

As mentioned before trying to locate my friend were mere tests as to weather I was in an AP or not... Not my main idea of spending time in such a place but were ideas of testing authenticity sort to say. Of course there are far more other things I would like to experience and do in such an occasion. I am rather interested in visiting and exploring higher realms currently, and the things i mentioned previously. Learn some new things, Spiritual learning and growth, some Entertainment as it could be termed just enjoying the scenery and exploring etc etc.
If I were to consider most of my dreams low parallel dimensions to that of earth then I personally can say that they have gotten boring.. aside from some minute details like flying and such they are to earth/physical like and are becoming boring for my taste. Much to physical realm like... if I am not allowed to fly and explore then I would just stay in the physical and deal with ultimately the same rules and let myself be duped into a shallow belief of existence that is pushed upon society as by as like you say other beings etc etc. I would rather when I have some free time on my hands not going through the mill of survival, like on a free weekend experience and explore something truly out of this world.

So I guess if LD's are like a low realm AP's then how do I make it into a higher realm.
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