Thread: strange auras
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Old 25-10-2010, 11:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by MoshiMoshi
okay, i joined the forum so i could get a second opinion on an aura i saw a week ago...

there's this girl at school (no, i dont have a crush on her, im a girl too) who shares a lot of classes with me... shes really quiet and smart and only has two friends who i see her hang out with regularly.

she has a really morbid personality and is very cynical... kind of creepy really... but every time i approach her, i start noticing a weird black aura around her. it has an indigo tinge to the outside and dark blood red flecks on the inside...

i've read that black auras are possible. thats not what really bothers me. what awed me was that i saw two enormous wings in her aura. like angel wings, but really dark and twisted.

anyway, i feel like i should help her and im curious about her but whenever i get nearer i feel something in the pit of my stomach and a chill goes down my spine... its as if im approaching a death angel.



The black for that particular girl ould be associated with some kind of hidden abuse/trauma that has affected her in many ways. The red speckles associated with it represent suppressed emotions and anger, but a feeling of being trapped with nobody to either trust or understand her. The feeling you get when you approach her in your stomach is your own sensitivity to the pain and abuse the girl has probably been through. Also, yes you are right with regards to the feeling you have had "I feel like I should help her".

All The Best
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