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Old 13-02-2012, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a
I'm not sure what mine would be, but the name was coming to me more than once. It is Mei.
I don't know if it is my name in spirit, but I lived with knowing this name for so long.
I even named my first cat by this name, because that just felt right, but well, they misspelled it in her papers and her name is May.

I see that people like to go by their spirit name for a web name. Me too, but it is sort of more complicated.
I go by two of my cats' names: Amber is the youngest, and May is the eldest (that counts other three in-between). This feels very spiritual to me, but not by means of astral projection I must say.
And as I type this - my Amber sits on my desk and when I was spelling her name - she approved by a short and sharp meow that she does often.
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