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Old 18-04-2018, 06:54 PM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Originally Posted by Colorado
I didn't get to stay that long, I assume your NDE was longer than mine, Mard. I stayed long enough to see the grey mist, a deceased relative, and the white light. I have read others NDEs, and it seems like the longer you stay, the more you remember about this life. I didn't remember a thing, and I relate to what you said...for all I knew I didnt exist before that moment. It felt like a clean slate, starting over, born again, waking up from a dream and not knowing where you are, or who you are....but I didn't stay long enough to go further to see how it would unfold.

For me it seemed less than a minute...maybe even less than thirty seconds. But then, maybe it lasted longer (I was flat lined for several minutes) but that's all I remember...for whatever reason, if there even is one. I saw no light/tunnel. Saw no passed on relatives or friends, deities, or life forms other than plants/trees (which I felt love and welcome from).
The whole thing was like a major, major epiphany, in an instant waking up to knowledge and understanding.

From what I've gleaned from NDE is that there's a "threshold" that some cross, some don't. I saw that threshold, wanted to go over it but couldn't because precisely then my physical body was being brought back to life.

(Lol...when my consciousness returned to my body, I saw that EMT feverishly working on me and I thought to myself "dog gone it...why'd you have to bring me back to this life?").
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