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Old 02-09-2019, 03:10 AM
TheMotherKnowsAll TheMotherKnowsAll is offline
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 107
My mom (who was f'ing brilliant by the way) had a theory that the 'halos' around the heads of the deities in very ancient art were in fact space helmets. They are not halo as we currently depict them, an almost crown or tiara like band hovering over the hard, but a full light filled bubble encasing the entire head of the person. Yes, I grew up in an interesting household. My mom took us to every church and exposed us to every idea and then challenged us to question it all and move on from there. There was a running family joke that "Mom thinks god is spacemen"... but I read more from people on here who obviously research and read quite a bit, and I gotta wonder if dear old mom was on to something.
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