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Old 02-01-2018, 03:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Reading for HannahRose

Justice, hierophant, temperance, the world, four of cups, nine of wands

It looks like you were a stronger, more willful woman at a time when women were more seen to be homemakers and "soft". You used to sort of call the shots it seems. In another life, it looks like you were involved in paralyzing a very important man and it is now your calling to balance your more aggressive nature with your softer side in this life time, which you are doing a fine job at. In fact, I am getting that you already sort of do this?

feel free to ask this question again if you aren't satisfied with the answer, just wanted to give it a shot :)

Question for traceyacey

What was my most recent life like? Can you pick up a time period?
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