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Old 06-02-2013, 03:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
Beware ! The mind is like a chattering monkey ! It hates silence and will try to fill your head with thoughts. Better to cultivate the Quiet Mind through meditation and listen to the Silence.

THANK YOU for THAT Norseman!!!!!!!!! I am still laughing... great humor!!

And, Sourcerer... I see the big message being 'everything is consciousness' which, I fully agree with... The message and meaning that you are trying to reveal though is difficult to fully grasp as many 'channel' higher level spirits/beings/angels/guides... It is practiced and looked upon as something separate from their conscious thought because it comes from higher levels... So - I do get it in total - just tough to fully embrace and understand. When we do reach a consistent level of oneness with our higher self, we do not see things the same- good/bad/opionion.... we would accept and allow without needing to react as there is truth to it all... Luckily, I do not dismiss much other than references to ET which, somehow I cannot fathom and choose to ignore.... lol....

Much Love and Light.... Cristina
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