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Old 18-03-2019, 09:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Rain95
Christianity has the "selfless" thing down pretty good. All truth in religion points to the same thing, but Western readers of Eastern philosophies often miss the "selfless" part and just use the teachings to be bigger egos....

I will meditate and practice and achieve great things!

Well help others?

Ummmm yea yea eventually I get this compassion stuff......


It's really helpful to read many religions to get a better idea where they are all pointing.

Christianity teaches the selfless angle good.
Buddhism teaches awareness without mental phenomena good.

Love is natural outcome of all paths properly practiced and understood.

Very true - I find synchronicity across many spiritual traditions. Buddhism calls it compassion borne of knowing Dhamma (truth/wisdom), Christianity Love, Sufism Love, Neo-Advaita Love borne of Truth.

I also remind myself at times however that the only people we can [really] mind is ourself.

For example, how do you know you aren't the same as which you point out?

Same for janielee.

Some of us will never know even how to self-reflect, or have the opportunity to move out of ego-mind - even if that mind is filled with words of the Lankavatra Sutra.

The ones that irritate me the most are those that are full of low level knowledge and act as if they are masters, misleading others in the process, but on a deeper level I understand that we are all where we are meant to be, and can be - so even these people are just innocent in their own way.

Practice never really ends, Rain95, and if we don't believe that, I believe life shows us.

The Buddha taught for the cessation of dukkha - the truth of Nibbana. Those are my guiding lights and it has never proved untrue.


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