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Old 10-10-2015, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by prevail
When people, souls, incarnate they take with them a life plan. Well that is what some people picture. Your life plan will be executed and your guides will help you succeed and will also make certain that your life plan gets to work.

What I dont get is when you ask them as a human being for help in a certain way, they just dont help you in that way. Some would defend that they will help you in a more profound way than you as human can perceive.
Maybe there is also the possibility that the spirits in the world besides us are just as messed up as we and they cant do sh... or wont do sh. They are just as ignorant as us.

Think about it, you incarnate and you say that they help you unfold your plan in the way you have planned. They honour your wish above as soul creature, but when ur down below they help you, when u have asked, in a way you dont understand, so basically you are fooling yourself in saying that they will help you in your plan, but when it comes to human needs they only help u in a way that is best for you. How can someone know what is best for you? Especcially someone whos not a human, someone whos not bound by law and earthly things? You would disagree too, if you have lost your child and someone who has never had a child in his life said, that he feels your loss.

Are you grateful for the roads that are paved, before, after, or when you will never walk on it? Are you grateful that it rains in asia while you see your food crops shrink to nothing? Cause eventually earth will bring the rain from asia to your land?

And free will? Well if you are in the world besides us and decide what you want its your free will and they execute it, but when you are on earth and the same free will asks for something you dont get it because.... so do you have two different free wills?

It is we who make the life plan but we do it as souls, not personalities. Before we were born the personality that we presently are did not exist. Our souls know the plan because they made them. We, as personalities, usually do not. Remember that the personality is wholly different from the soul therefore when we receive assistance from our guides it often is not recognized.
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