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Old 10-01-2015, 11:02 AM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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There are apparently seven lower chakras under the root leading down to the feet that govern lower emotions and animal instincts. I don't know how accurate this is but worth looking into anyway and doing some self-inquiry:

Just as there are said to be seven upper chakras, in the same way there are said to be seven lower chakras namely –
Patala in the soles of the feet,
Mahatala in the feet,
Rasatala in the ankles,
Talatala in the calves,
Sutala in the knees,
Vitala in the thighs
and the one immediately below Muladhara –
Atala in the hips.

Atala in the hips governs the state of fear from life in general to death itself. Lust and promiscuity become established when this chakra is strong.

Vitala is the chakra of anger and resentment, blaming others and world for what happens in their own life.

Sutala highlights jealousy in our nature; jealousy brought on by feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

Talatala the chakra of confusion, wilfulness, greed and deceit.

Rasatala really focuses on our animal nature. It may be a strong survival chakra but at the expense of the suffering of others if need be. Jealousy, anger and fear are all strong at this level of our being.

Mahatala is that aspect of our nature where conscience towards others is lost. Theft is commonplace and holds no moral value here.

Patala the lowest chakra of all in the soles of the feet. Destructiveness, revenge, murder, hatred, torture and wanton disrespect at all levels show this chakra to be active and dominating our finer human nature.
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