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Old 26-03-2018, 10:43 PM
Golden Eagle Golden Eagle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 470
No wait! I can! But there is something deeper and more sinister in your Twin Flame that must be removed by a Christened One and Only such can do it. The cost is 6K but well worth it! You will finally be UNITED with him in just 6 weeks if you get this done now~


Well .... i can't do that to anyone. It was all just complete nonsense. Something a clever thief would say ~
Save your Money ~
Instead , work on yourself and take much time in solitude NOT TRYING , not dating , just remain in Stillness as often in Nature as you can. Pray for what you want but make no demands on WHEN or HOW it gets answered , or even IF it gets answered. Read "Creating A Spiritual Relationship by Paul Ferrini" . You ATTRACT a Partner EQUAL to your own VIBRATION ( Level of Awareness) , so if you want the BEST ...... BECOME the BEST, and there you are at Peace and Content alone or with a partner. It will be the Wisest use of your time ever!

Please pay fee of ZERO asap ~ lol
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