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Old 15-03-2018, 05:45 AM
Tortoise Walks Tortoise Walks is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 128
I love this post so much!!! Thank you :-)

Compassion, non-attachment, releasing judgments, and patience are my guiding lights through blurring tears and onion layers... as well as the purity (and silliness) of love... in its full and colorful expression(s).

definitely following my own inner heart beat and opting in to the love.

It's within me to feel freely! Regardless of outcome... No one can take the love away. That I allow myself to be courageously open and vulnerable to love and connection again and again - feeling the divine gift in it...

I remember a huge break through years back when I finally felt (deeply) that my love did not have to be answered or reciprocated or reflected to be of value. It's very existence within me was meaningful all it's own - and I was tickled from within :-)

Since then it's been really fascinating... and I alchemize my human healing experience with that inner love tickling as best I can...

The most powerful thing for me in learning to love my husband without attachment/expectation was to also love myself without attachment/expectation. projecting love to those around me. no withholding. Met with a soul connection to experience even more!!!

Yes!! For the greatest good of all!!!
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