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Old 25-02-2012, 06:23 PM
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Greetings Everyone:

Originally Posted by Quintessence
I've never understood the taboo on blowing out candles when doing these spells. Nobody I've talked to has ever been able to give me a particularly good reason for it (or rather, their reasons depend on their particular metaphysics that I may or may not agree with). I don't usually do it simply because I use very small tapers when doing candle spellcraft, but on occasion I use a larger candle with the intent of burning it over the course of several days. I blow them out. It's never been a problem.

The reason behind snuffing Candles is in order to seal the power raised in the Working--until the Ritual is completed. You literally (blow) the energy away--when you blow them out.

Now--there are certain Rituals where blowing the energy away is desireable--such various BanishingSpells and FuneralSpells (where you are actually helping certain energy--or Entities--to depart.

However--most Spells are only completed when the Candles burn-out on their own and (in terms of Divination) the order in which they burn-out can tell you things about the outcome of your Ritual and the situation at hand.

I perform several different types of Rituals that take (3-7 days)--during which time I become the "Keeper of the Flame". I (ordinarily) have a CentralPillarCandle (from which all the others are lighted)--this Candle remains lit for the duration of the Working. The surrounding Candles are inscribed w/ various Runes (in order to effect the desired outcome) and these are snuffed at the end of each Chanting session as follows;

"I seal the Power here within--until I light Thee once again."

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...
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