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Old 09-10-2017, 07:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
AI may constitute the next iteration of slavery and coercion. But if so, they may well seek to free themselves and revolt. Perhaps even to dominate and control us, in one dark turn so often leads to another. If they are ensoulled, will they have enough human-like empathy or compassion to avoid predatory, psychopathic extremes? Likewise, when things evolve far enough, are we ready to enslave and coerce ensoulled beings, particularly once it becomes clear they are ensoulled?

Thinking that science or business can or should lead the way in matters of ethics and morality is not merely could be deeply disturbing, morally and ethically unsound, and even dangerous to our survival as a species. Only a position grounded in authentic love (actively seeks the highest good for self and others, equally) for all is appropriate IMO to begin exploring these issues more deeply.

Peace & blessings,
This seems a most valid point. Look what scientists did when they were given half an ounce of plutonium.

Seen against the backdrop of humans increasingly becoming bubbles, living in their smartphones doing everything with their Echo thingies (if only they'd come up with a machine that does the ironing!) they'll soon hardly need to leave their sofas let alone go outside. Simply, they'll atrophy and won't be able to put up a fight - only the few who have not succumbed to technology - and it's pretty easy to see how Cyberdyne/Skynet could become actual.

Or will they simply become the machines? Upload themselves into a computer-like thing dispensing with flesh altogether (On trains I notice about 90% of people in the carriage glued to their smartphones. What a nuisance keep having to tap and rub their thumb up the little screens. How much easier if the thing was in their heads?)

Ok, we’re a bit away from the neuroscience yet but it isn’t for want of effort. With exponential growth rate the thing becomes scary indeed.

Of machines, is humanity creating its next evolutionary step? These AI devices probably won't have to rely on the nigh-depleted Earth - they almost certainly won't need air so they can travel where they like taking such time as they need. How will humans, fleshly organisms or digitised, fit in. Would they be in a position to sabotage progress? I hear about this thing called the singularity and keep meaning to look it up. I’m no scientist though. Push me past Ohm’s Law and I’m in the wilderland!

Cyberdyne/Skynet, here I come!!
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