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Old 16-11-2017, 11:26 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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As a 'traditional advaitin' myself, I have my own thoughts and views, which may not represent those of the general population.

I believe it is human nature to come up with the rather absurd theory of 'I thought of it first' whether or not anybody else did previously doesn't matter *blames Kali Yuga*.

This isn't just the case of 'neo advaita' vs 'traditional advaita'...but the whole 'new age' vs 'old age' philosophy....when whatever is 'old' is no longer 'relevant' in regards to that which exists beyond time itself....i.e. Brahman absolute.

Is it just this generation who came up with the idea of 'chakras' and 'auras' and 'past lives' and 'spirituality?'....nah.

It seems like the 'wheel' is constantly being reinvented to do something else other than what it was designed to do...spin around...and there also seems to be a lot of 'spin' placed upon the 'spinning around'.

I was spoiled from a very early age being one who has read and studied all of the Upanishads, the Vedas, Patanjali, Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Svatmarama...then I go and read stuff like Ekhardt Tolle, Sadguru, Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Thanh, Alan Watts...and I am like 'puh-leez...gimme a break here'!'

However, those who have not been in my position of learning Sanskrit, studying the Vedas, the Upanishads wouldn't know any better...but what they are getting is an entirely 'watered down' and 'far from accurate' translation of the sacred Hindu texts. Is it a case of learning something incorrectly is better than learning nothing at all? my 'personal jury' is still out deliberating that one.
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